Sunday, March 16, 2014

And three weeks later ... it's a QUILT!

I made this quilt for a friend's daughter who is adopting a six-month-old little girl.  I didn't want to make the standard baby quilt, so I opted for something that she could wrap up in now and still use as an adult.  The topper was 51" x 51" before I added the prairie points.  This was the first time to do prairie points and I LOVE them and want to put them on everything now.  HA!

  I was sad when I left the shower because I realized I didn't have any needle work to do at home (I find hand stitching the binding to be quite relaxing).  I have some other toppers I've finished.  Tomorrow, if the weather is nice, I'll get out to the fabric store for some wadding and backing fabric for them so I can finish them up.  I have a goal this year to use up as much of my fabric stash as I can.  I have all sorts of ideas, but I need to complete the projects I've already started before moving on.

So here are the rest of the pictures of my Purple Sunflower quilt along with the cut directions for the quilt in case anyone is interested.
I am very happy with the feel of this quilt.
If anyone is interested ...
The purple sunflowers were cut 5 1/2" square.
The green and yellow were cut in 1 1/2" wide strips,
then sewn together and cut at 5 1/2" long.
The small green squares were cut 2 1/2".

Check out that hand stitching!
I put in the last one at 11:55 am today and
took it the to shower at 1:00 pm.
An idea of the finished size.

Squares work great for my OCD.
I can line them up and they look ORDERLY on the back.

Yes, it works!
You can wrap a three-year-old up in it!

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I have said these things unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
~John 16:33