Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sometimes only prayer

I have a son.  I have several sons, but one son has had some medical issues.  One of the medications they had him on had side effects which weren't properly reported to the FDA when it was approved for use in pre-adolescent boys.  I received news today that my son will need to be on another medication for the rest of his life to repair what the first medication did.  The new medication has side effects, but the long term effects of the medical condition caused by the first medication increases his risk of death over the next 18 years by 40% and puts him at high risk for a myriad of other health issues, leaving us little choice.  So, I sit here at a point where I can only say to my Lord, "He was your son before he was mine, and he will be your son for eternity.  So do as You will, give me wisdom, and lift my sorrow-filled heart."  Amen

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I have said these things unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
~John 16:33