Friday, February 15, 2013

The Bondage of Anger

I am in bondage to anger.

Anyone who knows me knows how difficult it is for me to admit this. 

I have always been a fighter.  I'm actually quite good at it.  I've always fought for the little guy and against the injustices of this world, but being a fighter brings with it a certain amount of anger. 

Or maybe it's the anger that brings about the fight in a person.  I'm not sure.  And at this point I don't really think it matters. 

I know that anger in and of itself isn't a sin, even Jesus got angry.  I think it's the kind of anger that one harbors in their heart that turns into sin.  That is the anger that gives the "foothold to the devil."

Maybe some brutal honesty about the anger will help me lay the roots of it all at His feet and maybe then I will be able to move on to truly enjoy all the wonderful blessings He has given me, namely my husband and our six children.  And at the moment, this adorable two-year-old who has put on his Batman mask and would like me to tie a blanket around him to serve as his cape.  :)

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I have said these things unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
~John 16:33