Saturday, January 26, 2013

Random Thought

Before we are saved here is a battle for our heart and soul.  After we are saved, the battle is for our mind.  That is why there is a need to surround ourselves with uplifting music and Scripture.  It is too easy to be distracted (aperispatos) by things of no consequence and that are of little importance. 

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."  ~Phillipians 4:6


Cicero Sings said...

Yes, I do believe that praise and worship are of the utmost importance ....

Hi there,

I used this recipe:

But I confess, I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I had thawed out, by mistake, thinking it was the makings of a pumpkin loaf but in reality it was the making of a pumpkin pie (1 1/2 cups pumpkin, 2/3 c evaporated milk, 1/2 cup milk) so I substituted this in for the pumpkin and milk in the recipe. Then I used 3 eggs instead of 2 and made the recipe in a square, 8x8 pan. I reserved a bit (1/2 cup or so) of the the crumb crust and when the square was about 10-15 minutes away from being done, I sprinkled about 1/2 cup of the reserved crumbs over top and returned to oven for last 15 minutes. The square made this way took about 45-50 minutes. It was tasty, not too sweet.

You asked a while back about what I liked about Esther and Ruth. Interestingly enough, one was an orphan and one was a widow. I feel God has a special soft spot for both! I realized that they were both two very human gals, with difficult lives to face. Esther, an orphan, hiding her faith/identity, not even sounding very spiritual, married to a narcissistic fool, then is faced with a life and death situation ... not only her own life but the life of her whole nation. She must come out of hiding. (I wouldn't have wanted to be her!) But she rose to the occasion. Sometimes, we don't think we have it in us to rise to the occasion until we up face to face with the trial of our life. Then His Spirit within us rises up ... deep calls to deep ... and we find the strength. Ruth, a widow, childless, faced with penury sees something of the true God in Naomi, despite Naomi's bitterness, to be willing to follow Naomi into the unknown, which turns out to be the adventure of a lifetime! Faithfully, she sets out to provide for herself and Naomi ... at physical risk to herself, toils in the fields probably 10 hours a day, listens to and follows the advice of her MIL ... and she enters the family line of David and thus of Jesus himself. (the following was an answer to someone else) ... Did either one of them, while they were going through it, think they were living an epic story? A story that would be told ever after? I don't think so. They were getting through their days and difficult days at that. Whew! Not so epic looking while traipsing through those days, gathering grain for a 12 hour day, facing a temperamental king. Taking the ordinary into the divine ... that is our challenge. As we peel potatoes with a joyful and thankful heart ... it can impact our kids or whoever else is around us ... who in turn impact have the potential to impact the world. Hey, potatoes can turn our world into a divine encounter. How often I have been challenged: in all things give thanks. When the big disappointments come ... give thanks. When the traffic slows to a crawl and then stops, give thanks ... when the dishwasher quits or leaks all over give thanks ... with a grateful heart ... a truly grateful heart. Who knows who we will impact because we are going around with a twinkle in our eyes and a light step because with thankful hearts we see Jesus in the mundane, Jesus when the going gets rough, Jesus as our own true love.

Anyway, there are many things to ponder in Ruth and Esther, too many to recount here. Scripture is so rich.

Mosaic said...

Thanks for sharing! I am starting a one on one Bible study with a girl I know who is going into the Navy. I asked her about a week ago if she would like to study Esther because she was very brave and saved all of Israel. J thought that was super cool so we will be starting next week. This week we are both sick. :(

I've been working on giving thanks even in the things that aren't necessarily going my way. Not always an easy thing to do!

I have said these things unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
~John 16:33