Sunday, July 28, 2013

An Example for Christians on Giving ... by Creator of the Simpsons

Sam Simon is dying from cancer and is giving his fortune away.  "He founded his eponymous charity in 2011, an organization that provides food for families in need, spays and neuters cats and dogs for free and trains service dogs to help vets who are hard of hearing.  He established the nonprofit entirely with is own funds and the organization does not accept public donations, according tot he charity's website."

I don't know if he is a Christian or not, but the last two paragraph are an amazing lesson for Christians who give money grudgingly, give only the tithe they believe is required of them (if you study the Law of the OT, Jews actually gave away 1/3 of their income, but that's for another time), or don't give at all:

As for what's motivated Simon to give so gernerously, he says that's pretty simple.

"One thing is, I get pleasure from it," he told the Hollywood Reporter.  "I love it.  I don't feel like it is an obligation."

He gets pleasure from it.  "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remember the words of the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive.'" ~Acts 20:35

He doesn't feel it is an obligation. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a CHEERFUL giver." ~2 Corinthians 9:7

Is there really anything else to say?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Okay ... I get a bit excited when school books arrive.  But as I've already admitted,

I have an addiction.

As much as I enjoy pulling out the books that my previous children have used, new ones in the mail are just joyous!!

I have more coming, but this is what arrived yesterday.  I've spent yesterday afternoon and this morning doing lesson plans for the new ones so we're all set to go in a couple weeks.

Let's see ... for my SENIOR we stuck with Power Basics.  Physics worked wonderfully for us last year.  It was enough to give him a good understand of the basic fundamentals of physics without overwhelming him.  I strongly suggest these for those amazing children who are busily conquering mountains!  This year we will be doing Chemistry and School to Career.  According to, it,

"Give students the skills they need to succeed on the job!"
  • Helps students transition from school to career
  • Provides helpful information to assist students in getting a job
  • Covers the skills needed for success on the job
  • Addresses workplace communication, evaluations, and challenges
I spent an hour going through it.  I'm going to use this with my other children when they get older.  It gives a lot of practical advice and the workbook activities present possible situations for the student to consider and learn how to respond in order to prepare them for the workforce.  I can't wait to use it!

Our senior will also be doing Math-U-See's Stewardship (he did great in MUS Geometry and wanted to stick with their program).  Again, spent time looking through it and I wish I had something like this before entering the real world.  I love that there is a devotional for each lesson to teach the Biblical principles along with the "mathy" practical side.

The senior is also doing Easy Grammar again, a tried and true staple,  but we are trying the Progeny Press study guide for The Scarlet Letter.  I am interested to see how this works for him.  I am really hoping that we will be able to do three more books for a more rounded out English IV.  I want him to know that he CAN do this.  We're going to take a full quarter for the book.  I may have our 8th grader do it as well later on, but I believe he'll be able to do it in about 3-4 weeks.  We've never had a study guide that had us look up Scripture and use it to analyze the book.  Can't wait!

Our 6th and 8th graders will be doing History Speaks...Bill of Rights.   It's a unit study.  They learn each right and then read about actual cases/situations where these rights came into question, such as the Brady Bill.  They analyze each situation and draw conclusions using what they've learned.

Finally we have Learn to Write the Novel Way.  This is put out by KONOS and it directs the student in how to write a book.  Of course the length of the book will depend on each person and their age, but this gives .  My 8th grader has been wanting to write a book for quite some time and has even started a few, but he gets stuck.  I came across this by accident while perusing CBD and thought of him.  It had two five star reviews.  I really hope he likes this.  He sounded excited when I told him I was ordering it.  My daughter isn't interested in writing a book, but she's going to do the exercises to write short stories and poems instead.  At the end of the year we're going to have their books published at a local printer.  It says it's a full year of English Composition and that no other grammar is needed, but we are doing this in addition to Rod and Staff's grammar program.  We LOVE LOVE LOVE Rod and Staff Grammar.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

School is almost here!!!

Yes, yes.  I am an addict.  Here is a list of signs that you may use to check yourself for homeschool addiction.  It is not complete.  Feel free to add your own symptoms (or call me with them).

1.  You start making plans for the next year before finishing the current one.
2.  Lesson planning is fun and you have tables and Excel files to prove it.
3.  Your house has enough books in it to start a public library.
4.  You have enough homeschool books to start a private school.
5.  You get excited for the school year to end, but  jump for joy when the new one begins.
6.  School supplies are fun to shop for.
7.  Your school supplies are color coded for each child.
8.  Art supplies are the BESTEST!
9.  You get a rush when ordering school books for the new year.
10.  You get another rush when the boxes arrive.
11.  Your favorite curriculum is as warm and cuddly as a teddy bear.
12.  You consider your yearly reporting/portfolio as a work of art.
13.  You spend your free time studying homeschool curriculum.
14.  The thought of your last one finishing school gives you a tinge of sadness.  Fortunately for me, we have a three-year-old!!!

Expecting books next week!!!!  YIPPIE!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's been a while...

It's been crazy around here while we prepare to move.  Our eldest graduated from bootcamp and is now a MARINE!!!!  Oooooooooo-Rah!  We are so proud of him!!!!

I hope to post a REAL post soon.  So for those few who read this, and you know who you are (yes, people actually do read this, not many, but a few, and they call, text or email instead of posting online ... I'm not sure why) I have tales to share.

Many blessings!!!

OH!  I made some lavender soap today, and I promise to share!!!!

I have said these things unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
~John 16:33